
Where India stands in Global Hunger Index ?

Recently the Global Hunger Index ( GHI ) published a list on 117 countries . And our proud ful country India was in 102nd below Nepal , Bangladesh and even Pakistan . GHI is a meater which includes many countries over the world every year . The lower the country is on the list the more critical situation it is facing .  They calculate through 4 major factors  1- The proportion of the undernourished as a percentage of the population . 2- The proportion of children under the age of five suffering from wasting  3- the proportion of children under the age of five suffering from stunting .  4- The mortality rate of children under the age of five .  Let me show you some numbers . 38% children under 5years show stunted growth .  21% children malnourished .  No improvement in child malnourishment in 25years . 19 cr. people go hungry everyday .  14.5% of population in undernourished .  3000 children die everyday from poor diet related illness

Is Indian education system in danger ?

 Indian education system is a very complex system or so called problem . Mainly in India there are two tipes of schools - public ( central , state , local ) and private schools . According to Indian constitution free and compulsory education is provided to children between the age of 6-14 . The approximate ratio of public school to private school in India is 7:5 . Well the central board and most of the state boards follow the 10+2+3 pattern . 10 years in school , 2 years in junior college and 3 years in bachelor degree . There are total number of 799 universities and 39701 colleges in our nation .       Universities        459( general )       101 ( technical )       64 ( agricultural and allied )       50 ( medical )       20 ( law )       11 ( sanskrit )        7 ( language ) So what's wrong with our education system ? In India 12 % students between 12-16 years age have psychiatric disorder , 4 students are suiciding everyday , overall 10% people have me

Water Crisis on Earth

Ok , the matter is getting serious . It's a real issue that we should put our heads out from politics and to look into . We are having a water crisis , not just India the whole world . To next year India's over 21 big cities would not have any ground water left . Capetown is already facing it .   Our world's 70% is covered with water and 97% of it is salt water , 2% is frozen in glacier and ice caps . Only 1 % is fresh water for capable of drinking and should be enough for everyone . But it isn't . One out of every 8 people everyday is searching for clean water . In every 20 seconds a child dies from water related illness . Samrat Basak ( WRI India's Urban water program ) said - " After 1990s because of the globalization of the economy the Indian economy also expanded very rapidly to cope up with such a rapid growth especially in the urban centers of India . We started building up the cities in an unmanaged and unplanned fashion in that process we some how

Heritage of Durga puja in Bengal

Durga puja is one of the biggest festivals in India . In Bengal it is not just a festival it's an emotion tk all the bengalis .    Durga puja is organized in the moth of September - october . Durga puja in this time is called ' Akal Bodhon ' . Well everyone knows the story behind goddess Durga .  But when was first organized Durga puja in WB ?  If we talk about the history , the land owners ( zameendaars ) of Malda and Dinajpur were first started Durga puja in 15th century . According to other sources Kangsha Narayan the king of Tahirpur and Bhavananda Mazumder first in 1606 organized ' Saradiya Durga Puja ' . After that in WB came ' Baroyari Puja ' .   In Hugli district's Guptipura 12 friends collected fund from local people and started Durga puja and named ' Baroyari Puja ' . It was the first time where first time common people participate in it .  From 1828 to 1831 Raja Harinath organized Durga puja in his raj bari in Murshidabad .

Indian politicians in a nutshell

Politics - In India it is a huge festival for common people and for politicians it's world's best business ever . Just spend some months and a little bit hard work and then kaboom ¡ you're ruling a dictatorship for next 5 years . Ooho hold on a second , the politicians can do anything to win the election , anything means literally anything . Like weird statements , crime , influence people over religion and nationality and so more . Let's have a look on some infos According to a report by PRS above 75% of   MPs in parliament have graduate degrees and over 10% are matriculates. And they make some really hilarious statements that these statements can even use bollywood movies . " Taj mahal was built by traitors " - Sangeet Som , BJP MLA , UP  " Why didn't Anushka & Virat marry in India ?" - Pannalal Shakha , BJP MLA , MP  " Cancer happens because of karma in previous life "- Himanta Biswa Sharma , Health minister , Assam 

Unemployment in India

Just like rape , water crisis , economic breakdown - unemployment is a major and complex problem in India and needs an immediate solution . According to NSSO - unemployment rate is at it's highest mark in in four decades . What is NSSO ? NSSO means National Sample Survey Office . It's a huge department in the ministry of statistics . Which collects data and occurs large scale survey in whole India on labours and jobs . NSSO is a government employed department so it can be manipulated by government for political reasons . To prevent this situation a new independent body was created in 2005 called NSC ( National Statistical Commission ) . Which verifies every data giver by NSSO . How NSC is in danger ? 2017-2018's data of unemployment was not officially released for common people . But thanks to the journalist of business standards Shomesh Jha the data was revealed . As NSC in an independent body there is a team of 7 members but 3 posts are vacant , 2 people res

Economic Condition of India

Indian economy is a mixed economy and it directly refers to the importance of GDP growth . What is GDP ? Gross domestic product ( GDP ) basically measures the percentage of a nation's economic activity . Things needed to calculate GDP 1 - Consumption of population 2 - Investment on companies 3 - Government spendings 4 - Net exports Histo ry of GDP growth rate July 2016 - 8.7% ( highest of this govt ) Jan 2017 - 7.4 % + 6.1% July 2017 - 6%+ 6.8% Jan 2018 - 7.7%+7.7% July 2018 - 8%+7% Jan 2019 - 6.6%+5.8% July 2019 - 5% ( lowest till now ) And some economists says that it's the worst condition since 2012's . Reasons of this condit ion * Since so many economists said that demonetization had effected our economy , commercial sectors very heavily . Even so many foreign inverters kept their investments low . Our ex PM and an economist Dr. Manmohan singh forecasted that the demonetization could decrease GDP by 2% and it actually happened . **   In rece