Is Indian education system in danger ?

 Indian education system is a very complex system or so called problem .

Mainly in India there are two tipes of schools - public ( central , state , local ) and private schools .

According to Indian constitution free and compulsory education is provided to children between the age of 6-14 .
The approximate ratio of public school to private school in India is 7:5 .
Well the central board and most of the state boards follow the 10+2+3 pattern . 10 years in school , 2 years in junior college and 3 years in bachelor degree .

There are total number of 799 universities and 39701 colleges in our nation .
      459( general )
      101 ( technical )
      64 ( agricultural and allied )
      50 ( medical )
      20 ( law )
      11 ( sanskrit )
       7 ( language )

So what's wrong with our education system ?

In India 12 % students between 12-16 years age have psychiatric disorder , 4 students are suiciding everyday , overall 10% people have mental illness .
   You didn't understand right ?
It starts with Indian parents , they always want that their kids would be smart , full of wisdom and acheave success , the only way to do that is studying ( according to them ) .
  That's the point where everything began . If you are a parent let me ask you a question
 " Have you ever asked your child what he / she want to be ? "
  Maybe no .
According to a survey 98% of children think different before start going to school . And at the age of 20-25 98% people think tha same way . It is we , our education system who kills their creativity .

 Our education system was started in 18th century by the British .
Because they needed people to work in factories and mills , so they created schooling systems in India to make better workers for them . To teach people thoroughly.
  The same thing is happening in a little bit better way.  The only thing that have changed is big industries replaced the mills and factories .
 You need to understand that even the syllabus of the instructions are not even update , they don't teach students communication skills , they don't improve their skills . They only do that they break students and make them as they want .

The students don't allowed to talk in the class , don't allowed to discuss things that are out of the syllabus , they even need permission to drink water . You can say discipline , ok discipline is applicable for army and other difference sectors and worstly in circus . But students go to schools to learn to get trained .

That's why most of the unemployed people are unemployable .


Just like our education system we are doing the same thing . We pressure our children to make good results , be first in class . Despite what they want from life , what they want to be in life .

 They always should pay attention on their passion . What they love to do , what they are good at , how much they are going to be paid in it and what would they give to the world . These are the things that defines passion .

We parents have a misunderstanding that if we are paying good for something , the thing would be great . But we don't understand that in this century most of the instructions are here for profit making . They can do anything to maximize the profit .

We have seen so many cases where many middle-class people take loan from banks to secure their child's future and admit them in big famous institutions . The result is a big ' ZERO ' . They don't teach well as they don't appoint good professors to teach .

And then students don't get job for being unemployability and gets depressed and commit suicide .

" Help me for my daughter's Honors' admission " - a hopeless father from WB 

 Solution ?

It's you . Make your child be comfortable with you . If your child ask you stupid questions , do stupid pointless things . Let them do that , that's called creativity . The way they learn new things is called creativity .  
At that age where he would go for his profession , he will only need creativity . So don't kill it .

Education , it's a matter of nation's future . We definitely have to look after it and government too . So make politics apart and think about it . Make your politicians make it an issue to work not just to play politics . 

At last but not the least . Let your kid follow his / her passion . Support them and let them be what they want to be .                                                                  
