Water Crisis on Earth

Ok , the matter is getting serious . It's a real issue that we should put our heads out from politics and to look into . We are having a water crisis , not just India the whole world .
To next year India's over 21 big cities would not have any ground water left . Capetown is already facing it .
  Our world's 70% is covered with water and 97% of it is salt water , 2% is frozen in glacier and ice caps . Only 1 % is fresh water for capable of drinking and should be enough for everyone . But it isn't . One out of every 8 people everyday is searching for clean water . In every 20 seconds a child dies from water related illness .

Samrat Basak ( WRI India's Urban water program ) said - " After 1990s because of the globalization of the economy the Indian economy also expanded very rapidly to cope up with such a rapid growth especially in the urban centers of India . We started building up the cities in an unmanaged and unplanned fashion in that process we some how neglected water site or the resources management side of our city's growth . "
 According to WHO 2.1 billion people are having lack of safe drinking water .

Reasons behind this disaster 

1) Climate change - We all are aware of pollution . But we never thought that it could be the reason for Water crisis . Yes it is . Pollution causes climate change and makes rivers and water sources dry and dries .

2) Population - 7 billion people in this world and it's increasing 1.8% per year which causes more water demand .

3) Groundwater - Groundwater is one of the main sources for drinking fresh water . And it's getting low and lower day by day .

4) Natural infrastructure - For building socialization and industrial infrastructure we are cutting trees , forests , filling ponds and water resources . In a nutshell we are destroying natural infrastructure .

5) Waste of water - Literally we are and only we are the reason for the water crisis . We are wasting gallons of water and we are expecting that it would last forever .


What Indian politicians are saying about ?
 A minister from TN says that the news of water crisis is totally " manufactured " . After some days we saw him organizing a puja for having rain .

Our country's Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Shakhawat says water crisis is a ' media creation '

In Bihar FIR made against 39 people for protesting against water crisis and encephalitis deaths .


Let me tell you one thing - if you change nothing , nothing will change .

What government should do about it ?
1 - Making rain harvesting compulsory
2 - Reviving lakes and water resources
3 - Experimenting cloud seeding
4 - Desalination of sea water
5 - Inventing new water conservation technologies
6 - Educate to change consumption and life style .

So it's all up to government right ? What can we do ?
Hell we can do so much than goverment . Believe me .

It is very usual to say we should use less water . But I would say that we should reuse water .
How ? Let me show you .

1 - A. C - Many people have noticed that there is a pipe attached in your air conditioner that continuously releases water . Actually this water was made by the humidity of your room . So you can use this water in bathing , washing clothes or plates or plants etc .

2 - R. O - Your water purifier wastes 70% of water to purify it . Although it's not a totally dirty but a salty one . So you can use ut for washing dishes or for plants as well .

3 - Washing machine - The water from your washing machine's ring cycle can be used in toilet's flush and also in trees , if you don't use bleach , boron and salt. 

4 - Rain harvesting - Well it is a partly home remedy and also a huge scale remedy . Anyone can use rain water if people can collect it from roofs or in buckets . It can be used for bathing or washing dishes .

I would say there is so many things can be done . If we can still be aware we can save our future , our world .


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