
Showing posts from October, 2019

Where India stands in Global Hunger Index ?

Recently the Global Hunger Index ( GHI ) published a list on 117 countries . And our proud ful country India was in 102nd below Nepal , Bangladesh and even Pakistan . GHI is a meater which includes many countries over the world every year . The lower the country is on the list the more critical situation it is facing .  They calculate through 4 major factors  1- The proportion of the undernourished as a percentage of the population . 2- The proportion of children under the age of five suffering from wasting  3- the proportion of children under the age of five suffering from stunting .  4- The mortality rate of children under the age of five .  Let me show you some numbers . 38% children under 5years show stunted growth .  21% children malnourished .  No improvement in child malnourishment in 25years . 19 cr. people go hungry everyday .  14.5% of population in undernourished .  3000 children die everyday from poor diet related illness

Is Indian education system in danger ?

 Indian education system is a very complex system or so called problem . Mainly in India there are two tipes of schools - public ( central , state , local ) and private schools . According to Indian constitution free and compulsory education is provided to children between the age of 6-14 . The approximate ratio of public school to private school in India is 7:5 . Well the central board and most of the state boards follow the 10+2+3 pattern . 10 years in school , 2 years in junior college and 3 years in bachelor degree . There are total number of 799 universities and 39701 colleges in our nation .       Universities        459( general )       101 ( technical )       64 ( agricultural and allied )       50 ( medical )       20 ( law )       11 ( sanskrit )        7 ( language ) So what's wrong with our education system ? In India 12 % students between 12-16 years age have psychiatric disorder , 4 students are suiciding everyday , overall 10% people have me